Making Better UX Choices: Advice for Drupal Developers

I started my career as a Drupal developer, but with time I shifted towards content strategy and user experience (UX), which made me realize, among many other things, how developer decisions impact design. That's why I believe any Drupal developer can use this advice: everyone who contributes to building a website also contributes to UX. When we all incorporate UX design thinking into our work, the quality of our output can only get better.

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How to Optimize the Search Experience for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers

Designing user experiences in the healthcare industry is a challenge at every level. When it comes to health, users have heightened anxiety and urgency about finding information. On the flip side, institutions have to be careful about sharing information and setting up channels of communication that protect the health of the public and individuals. Investing in websites and apps that cater to the user journey of patients and families is, we believe, worth the extra effort.

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More Than a CMS: Drupal in the Age of Digital Experience Platforms

Drupal has long been known for its flexibility as both a content management system and a development platform. It’s one of the main reasons we at Evolving Web use Drupal. But, as we hear more about Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), what role does Drupal play in the new digital landscape? If you’re rethinking your digital strategy and deciding which technologies to use, how does Drupal stand up against other technology options?

Read more about More Than a CMS: Drupal in the Age of Digital Experience Platforms

Drupal vs. WordPress, Migrations, Modules, Accessibility, and More… Our Top 10 Articles of 2021

We at Evolving Web had plenty to write about in 2021. From technical tutorials about Drupal 9 to articles about accessibility and inclusion, we aimed to deliver relevant information and useful insights to the developers, content strategists, designers, marketers, and technologists who follow us.

If you missed some of it, we'll save you some time and walk you through Evolving Web's ten most-read articles from 2021, from #10 to #1!

Read more about Drupal vs. WordPress, Migrations, Modules, Accessibility, and More… Our Top 10 Articles of 2021

An Introduction to Services, Plugins and Events in Drupal

Recently, my colleague Kevin Porras and I did a presentation at Drupal Camp Costa Rica. It was a great event in which we had a wonderful time discussing plugins, services, events and events subscribers. After the session, we thought it would be nice to write something about it for those who couldn't attend or are interested in levelling up their Drupal module development skills.

That being said, here’s an introduction to services, plugins and events in Drupal. Read on!

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My First 3 Months at Evolving Web

Last August, I joined Evolving Web as a Content Writer & Editor. Three months later, I have to say this has been a fantastic journey! I'm super proud of being part of an incredible marketing team and a true digital powerhouse. Here I'll share a few impressions of Evolving Web and how its collaborative culture and welcoming environment have already taught me some lessons and enabled me to develop my skills.

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Essential CMS Features for Higher Education Websites

Higher education websites can demand a lot from their content management systems. Since there are literally dozens of CMS options and features to consider, how can we narrow it down?

With a core practice in higher education, we've seen—and resolved—all kinds of CMS implementation challenges. Here we'll take a look at some must-have CMS features for your higher education website.

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What I Learned at Acquia Engage 2021

Last week, I attended the 8th edition of Acquia Engage, a two-day event full of learnings and connection opportunities by Acquia, one of the largest contributors to the Drupal open source. We at Evolving Web are proud to be Acquia Silver Partners, allowing us to support our clients with Acquia's enterprise cloud and marketing solutions, which complement Drupal's open source content management tools.

Read more about What I Learned at Acquia Engage 2021

Evolving Web’s Guide to Improving Your Social Media Accessibility

People are having more and more conversations on social media. It's our job, as digital communicators, to include everyone in those conversations. Web accessibility means that we don't leave people out of digital experiences. Social media accessibility works the exact same way.

In this article, we'll present you with some ideas, best practices and guides for creating accessible social media content.

Read more about Evolving Web’s Guide to Improving Your Social Media Accessibility

How to Have Your Drupal 7 Theme Ready for Drupal 9

If you develop for Drupal 9, you probably noticed that theming has improved a lot. And if you're upgrading your theme to D9, given Drupal 7's upcoming end of life in November 2022, you'll find the job considerably easier if you follow some basic but crucial steps.

Let's look at the main theming features on Drupal 9 and how to have your Drupal 7 theme ready for this latest version of Drupal.

Read more about How to Have Your Drupal 7 Theme Ready for Drupal 9