Santé Montérégie
Santé Montérégie came to Evolving Web with a vision to create a web platform that consolidates the information from three websites into a single experience. Evolving Web helped Santé Montérégie translate this vision into an effective user experience that provides patients and families in the region with easy access to health services. We created a new user interface language that was rolled out across the entire platform, unifying a previously disjointed set of websites. We developed the platform in Drupal, following accessibility and security standards.

Santé Montérégie provides health services across the Montérégie region (a densely populated region south of Montréal). It includes several sub-regions, each with its own set of hospitals, clinics, and programs.

This project had the ambitious goal of modernizing and consolidating multiple websites for different health networks into a single online point-of-service for residents. The goal was to reduce the confusion about which website to consult to find information about local services, and allow residents to find services from other sub-regions. At the same time, we wanted to reduce the administrative overhead of the sub-regions, which previously had to maintain their own infrastructure and content.

- A new Drupal website
- Assessment of the audience needs and priorities
- Improved navigation and user experience
- An in-depth digital style guide for the Santé Montérégie's brand
- A mobile-first, responsive theme based on the Bootstrap framework
- Services directory that allows residents to easily find services by location and type
- A careers section
- Fully bilingual (English/French) content and navigation
- A content editing interface that's easy-to-use for editors to use
- Conformity to WCAG AA accessibility standards
- Training for the team to migrate their content to Drupal and host and maintain the platform internally
- A custom content moderation workflow that makes it easy for staff from each sub-region to edit their own content without going through website administrators

By taking a fully mobile-first approach, we were able to design an interface that is adapted to user needs, and streamlines the content available on each page. We worked with all the stakeholders across the sub-regions in the Montérégie to create an information architecture that balances the importance of local services, with the need to find services from other sub-regions.
While the previous website was built to reflect the organizational structure of Santé Montérégie, the new website is customer-centric and makes it easier for users to find what they're looking for. We integrated with postal code and territorial data to create a point-of-service finder for residents to locate services near them, but without limiting them to the services in their sub-region.
As part of the mandate, we trained Santé Montérégie staff so they can maintain and host the website independently. They participated throughout the process, from design to development to deployment, and were able to give their input at every step. We also trained the organization's communications staff so that they can create visually-rich, accessible content.