Making Better UX Choices: Advice for Drupal Developers

I started my career as a Drupal developer, but with time I shifted towards content strategy and user experience (UX), which made me realize, among many other things, how developer decisions impact design. That's why I believe any Drupal developer can use this advice: everyone who contributes to building a website also contributes to UX. When we all incorporate UX design thinking into our work, the quality of our output can only get better.

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How to Optimize the Search Experience for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers

Designing user experiences in the healthcare industry is a challenge at every level. When it comes to health, users have heightened anxiety and urgency about finding information. On the flip side, institutions have to be careful about sharing information and setting up channels of communication that protect the health of the public and individuals. Investing in websites and apps that cater to the user journey of patients and families is, we believe, worth the extra effort.

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Evolving Web’s Guide to Improving Your Social Media Accessibility

People are having more and more conversations on social media. It's our job, as digital communicators, to include everyone in those conversations. Web accessibility means that we don't leave people out of digital experiences. Social media accessibility works the exact same way.

In this article, we'll present you with some ideas, best practices and guides for creating accessible social media content.

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10 Higher Education Websites We Love - Part 1

Designing, building, and maintaining university and college websites can be a daunting task. Audiences can range from prospective and current students to faculty, researchers, funders, and policymakers. And universities and colleges sometimes have dozens, if not hundreds, of faculties, administrative units, or sub-organizations, each with their own objectives, and sometimes with a distinct brand, tone, and voice.

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Accessibility, Applied: Chatting with Firat Ikiler, UI Engineer

Last week I got to chat with Evolving Web’s UI engineer, Firat Ikiler. Firat has extensive experience in web design and frontend development, and he’s now one of our foremost experts on accessible design. We talked about how he acquired his accessibility skills, how accessibility plays into his day-to-day work, and some of the critical concepts (and common misconceptions) involved in accessible digital design.

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How to Design a Site Search Experience Users Will Love

When someone comes to your website needing specific information, they have two options: they can either use the site’s navigation to get where they need to go, or they can use the search function. We’re going to focus on the latter for this article.

Many of us do dozens or even hundreds of searches per day without even thinking about it: searching for an email, searching for that song on Spotify, figuring out what to make for dinner, looking up a contact on your phone, finding a word on this page. 

We just expect search to work—but that’s easier said than done.

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