Drupal empowers content creators and provides flexible tools for managing content. But for your website to be a really powerful and customized platform, it's essential to have a back-end developer on hand.

Courses included in the Back-end Developer Track

All Courses

This course was developed for newcomers to Drupal and those with programming experience that want to learn how to get the most out of Drupal.

Drupal Site Building & Architecture

Learn how to structure your content, creating dynamic content listings, and use modules to add essential functionality to your site.
Site building image

Advanced Drupal Site Building

Learn how to use advanced configuration techniques to take your Drupal site building skills to the next level.
Advanced Site Building image

Drupal Theming

Customize Drupal's look and feel by creating themes from scratch and with Bootstrap
Theming image

Drupal Development Workflows

Learn how to implement a smooth development and deployment process using standard set of tools and best practices.
Drupal Development Workflows

Drupal Module Development

Learn how to customize Drupal functionality and use developer tools
Module Development image

Advanced Drupal Module Development

Get a deep understanding of the Drupal backend and module development tools.
Advanced Module Development image

Blended Online Learning: How it Works

Our blended learning approach mixes the best of both worlds: live online sessions and self-paced complementary learning materials. The core of our online training offering is our expert-led live sessions. In addition, you can always take advantage of our virtual learning platform's training guides and video tutorials as needed. 

Here's what to expect:

  • 👩‍🏫 Interactive sessions over Zoom (twice a week from 2 pm to 4 pm ET)
  • 📺 On-demand videos and virtual exercises to complete in between the sessions
  • 👨‍💻 A one-to-one session with your trainer for personalized support
  • 💬 A dedicated Slack workspace to get real-time answers to your specific questions
  • 🏆 A certificate upon completion