SEO Best Practices for Drupal

A facilitator giving training to 3 persons.

About This Course

This course kicks off with a fresh look at SEO fundamentals to ensure you have a solid and up-to-date foundation of knowledge. It moves on to exploring advanced strategies for improving SEO and growing qualified traffic. We’ll get hands-on with instructor-led exercises, real-life examples, and demos of Drupal modules and tools. 

Spread across two days of live online training, this course is ideal for marketers, site builders, and content editors who want to build a strong SEO strategy and implement it in Drupal.

What You’ll Learn

You'll come away from the course with knowledge of:

  • How to do an SEO assessment and use analytics tools
  • SEO strategies to drive more organic search results to your website
  • Tactics to avoid to prevent penalization from search engines
  • How to configure contributed Drupal modules to improve your SEO
  • Adapting your content strategy to your SEO needs


You’ll work in a small team on an example project throughout the course. We'll walk you through how to:

  • Do a site analysis with both free and paid tools 
  • Practice planning and running keyword research
  • Analyze and index your website with Google Search Console
  • Use Google Search Console and key functions
  • Use modules like Metatag and XML Sitemap so that your markup reflects your content
  • Assess and resolve SEO issues using various tools

Background and Prerequisites

  • This course is for you if you have a basic understanding of SEO.
  • This course is not for you if you’re already an advanced SEO specialist.
  • Technical requirements include access to Google Analytics for your website when possible.
  • Trainees should set aside about 2 hours between live sessions to review materials and prepare exercises.

Who Will Gain the Most From This Training?

This course will benefit those who are responsible for creating or planning the content for a Drupal website. It’s ideal for site builders, project managers, content editors, and site admins who want to learn how to build and implement a strong SEO strategy for Drupal.

Your Instructor 

Lucas headshot







Lucas Pradella

Lucas is a web analyst and digital marketing expert who finds creative ways to reach and engage audiences. He uses marketing automation tools to build lead funnels, generate traffic, and improve conversion rates. Lucas has led more than 100 digital strategy projects for clients across various channels. His strong analytical skills enable him to get to the root of an issue and offer innovation solutions. 


Qu'est-ce que je dois apporter? Vous devez apporter un ordinateur portable et un chargeur sur le parcours. Ou contactez-nous pour louer un ordinateur portable.

Puis-je payer avec un chèque? Dans la plupart des cas, nous acceptons le paiement par chèque. Contactez-nous et nous pouvons vous délivrer une facture pour la formation.

Quelle est la taille de la classe? Nos classes ont généralement 6-10 participants, et nous avons une limite stricte de 12 participants par entraîneur.

Offrez-vous des rabais pour les organismes de bienfaisance ou les particuliers? Oui, contactez-nous pour recevoir un rabais sur le cours.

Offrez-vous une formation personnalisée? Oui, nous pouvons fournir une formation personnalisée sur place pour votre équipe. Entrez en contact avec nous et nous pouvons mettre en place une formation adaptée à vos besoins.

Proposez-vous des remboursements? Les billets ne sont pas remboursables, mais il est gratuit et facile de transférer votre billet à une autre personne. Contactez-nous pour nous faire savoir si vous souhaitez transférer votre inscription.

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